Sandy Trebilcock


Junior Developer in the UK

Student software engineer, professional kitchen gadget enthusiast
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Technical Skills

Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python

Technologies: VSCode, MacOS, GitHub, React

Certifications: SheCodes Junior Developer, PSM-1 Scrum Master


My most recent projects

A screenshot of a dictionary project

React Dictionary App

A dictionary app, coded using the React library. Searching a word provides the user with a phonetic pronunciation, grammar, definitions, examples of the word's use, and synonyms.

A picture gallery is also included to give imagery of the queried term


This app utilises two API calls to generate both the definitions and picture gallery. A number of React components are used to bring everything together.

A screenshot of a weather project

React Weather App

My introduction to React. Searching for a city provides basic weather data and a forecast for the days ahead.

NPMJS was used to provide animated weather icons.


This app uses API technology via Axios to generate weather data, which is displayed on the user interface.

A screenshot of a Python project

Python Data Visualisation

Using Python to plot a data visualisation of the number of internet users over the years, sorted by continent.

Uses complex data structures to build a Python dictionary, which is then plotted in a graph


Data structures, manipulation and visualisation, and working with different file types. This course also taught OOP.